
 Server Overview

A Yarra server is the backend computer where submitted offline-reconstruction tasks are executed. Submitted tasks are queued and processed on a first-come first-served basis (or depending on the selected processing priority). The YarraServer software, which is running as daemon on each Yarra server, provides the platform for queuing and handling of the data (including monitoring processes and sending notifications). The reconstruction itself is done by individual customizable reconstruction modules, which can be installed on the Yarra server.

The YarraServer software requires installation on a Linux server with the Ubuntu 64bit operating system (Version 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS). It is recommended that the initial installation and configuration is done by a person with good knowledge of the Linux operating system. Step-by-step installation instructions are described here. To simplify usage and administration of Yarra servers, a web-based graphical user interface has been developed. Configuration and usage of the WebGUI is described here.

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