A new version of the Yarra Client package has been released (version 0.59) that adds support for the Siemens software versions XA30A and XA31A. In addition, RDS now has an option to disconnect from the network share after the update has been completed. The version is now available in the Download section.
A new version of the Yarra Client Tools (YCT) has been released (version 0.4). Please replace old versions of the Yarra Client Tools with this latest release, as it contains improvements of the anonymization tool. The version is now available in the Download section.
A new version of the Yarra Client Tools (YCT) has been released (version 0.3). Please replace old versions of the Yarra Client Tools with this latest release, as it contains improvements of the anonymization tool. The version is now available in the Download section.
A new version of the client package has been released (version 0.58) that adds support for the Siemens software versions XA20A and XA20B. In addition, several minor bugs have been fixed. The version is now available in the Download section.
We are currently migrating our source code repositories from Mercurial to Git. This is necessary because BitBucket, which we are using as provider for hosting the Yarra source code, is ending support for Mercurial. Some of the repositories might be temporarily unavailable during the time of conversion. After the migration, the repositories will have the same name (slug) and same website URLs, but you will need to use Git if you want to checkout the code. . . .
If you are still running an older version of the Yarra WebGUI, please update it to the latest version (version 0.97). We are soon shutting-down our old internet domain yarra.rocks and by updating the WebGUI to the latest version, you will continue to receive the latest news and update information right into the WebGUI of your YarraServer. In addition, the latest version of the server package also provides the much-needed resume functionality for tasks that failed during post-processing or transfer steps (so that the reconstruction does not need to be performed again). . . .
A new version of the client package has been released (version 0.55) that now also supports the Siemens software version VE11S. Moreover, the SAC client now allows sending additional files along with the task, enabling to send, e.g., separate calibration data to the reconstruction module. The version is now available in the Download section.
Looking for a flexible and powerful DICOM Router to integrate your image-analysis prototypes or AI solutions into your clinical workflow? Check out Yarra’s sister open-source project “Hermes Router”, which is now publicly available: http://hermes-router.github.io
A new Matlab-based public version of the GRASP reconstruction algorithm has been released, which integrates into the Yarra offline-reconstruction pipeline. The module has been parallelized using Matlab’s Parallel Computation Toolbox and achieves reconstruction speed in the same magnitude as our C++ implementation of the algorithm. The algorithm can be downloaded on the User Modules page. Please note that Matlab R2016a or newer is required. The required pulse sequence for GRASP scans, known as “RAVE” or “Radial-VIBE” sequence, can be obtained from us after filing a C2P agreement with Siemens. . . .
The Yarra Client Tools (YCT) are now available for download. Yarra Client Tools are small command-line tools that help with processing Siemens Twix files. They provide functions for batch anonymization, protocol extraction, and for displaying individual scan parameters. The package should be extracted into the installation folder of the Yarra Client package. The version is now available in the Download section.