Server - Notifications

 Notification Emails

The YarraServer will send notification emails on completion or failure of tasks (prerequisites are that the sendmail package is installed and that notifications are enabled in the server configuration). Completion notifications will be sent to a) receivers listed in the Yarra client during submission and b) receivers listed in the reconstruction-mode file. Failure notifications will be, in addition, also sent to those receivers listed in the server configuration file under Options/ErrorMail.

Completion mails are indicated by a purple color bar whereas failure message appear in red color. Failure emails contain the task log in the attachment.

PHI Information

Notification emails and attached log files contain PHI-relevant information, such as the patient name, and should never be forwarded to external email addresses. To prevent accidental external email transmission, consider configuring a domain restriction in the file YarraServer.ini.


 Advanced Server Monitoring

Advanced monitoring of the server’s activity is possible using the Yarra LogServer package, which allows central collection of information from multiple servers as well as from the clients used for the task submission. Because Yarra LogServer stores data in an SQL database, it is possible to setup custom notifications (e.g. to Slack) via SQL-driven alerting tools such as Redash.

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